Booking Process
There is a lot that goes into the Booking Process. Below you will find instructions, tips, examples and resources to help you.
1. How To Do Almost Everything!
How to set up a profile in VCRM: https://youtu.be/twUaxb1FFGM
Once the quoting process is complete, express sense of urgency to enhance closure; i.e.
Once the quoting process is complete, express sense of urgency to enhance closure; i.e.
- Below are the rates you requested, please keep in mind that availability & pricing can change at any time.
- To avoid potential rate increase, it is recommended to place a no-obligation, 24hr courtesy hold on the package you’re most interested in. I just need your full, legal names, (as they appear on your passport) & dates of birth in order to hold the space. Please fill out the reservation form: www.agencyname.com/reservation
Client expresses interest in proceeding with next steps:
2. Client Questionnaires
3. Travel Agent Portals