Booking Process Step: Special Situations/Cancel Booking
Cancelling a Booking:
When a customer cancels – make sure they provide their formal cancellation in writing – via email.
Cancelled status in VCRM:
- Leave your total trip cost
- Leave commission on the booking
- Totals not included in reporting
- NO commission is paid out on the entire trip
- Ensure Trip Due Balance is $0 only if the trip was paid in full at the time of cancellation.
Cancelled (Protected Commission) status in VCRM:
- Remove the total trip cost and commission from reservations that won’t be protected, but leave the cost and commission for the reservations where the commission will be paid. The easiest way to do this is probably to just check the “do not include in totals” boxes for items where you have prices.
- Typically, it would be the Allianz reservation that would pay out the commission, so you would leave the total + commission just in that reservation, but remove from the TO reservation.
- Totals included in reporting
- The commission is paid out on the component with commission included only.
- Any bookings with Allianz where the client is filing a claim for reasons other than Covid-19, leave the commission on the booking and note that we’re waiting on Commission Protection. Make sure there’s a reminder on the booking to submit the Commission Protection form once the client’s claim is approved.
Examples where you would use this status:
- Cruises/Disney or any trip with commission protection during Covid-19
- Third Party Insurance
- CFAR where the commission was earned because it was paid in full
Cancelled with Trip Credit Status: (Use this status when rebooking an old booking to a new date):
- Create a new booking for the new trip and change the status on the old booking to cancelled with trip credit status,
- Remove the total trip cost and commission from reservations that won’t be protected, but leave the cost + commission for the reservations where the commission will be paid.
- Typically, it would be the Allianz reservation that would pay out the commission, so you would leave the total + commission just in that reservation, but remove from the TO reservation.
- You can choose to include or exclude this entire status from the commission or revenue reports.
- The commission is paid out on the component with commission included.
- You can run the bookings by agent report for travel based on X date and query by all three cancelled status to see your info.
When filing Commission Protection with Allianz insurance:
- Any bookings with Allianz where the client is filing a claim, create a new Allianz reservation (use the old booking number + -C) and note the trip commission in the new reservation. Make sure there’s a reminder on the booking to submit the form once the client’s claim is approved. Since the commission paid out already, you have to create a second booking to pay out the commission protection amount.

For recalled commissions:
- Date canceled is the date the main reservation is canceled. If there are other "secondary" reservations (insurance, transfers) that may have canceled on another date just use the main reservation date.
- Use the cancelation option "Refunded" unless the client has a trip credit on the main reservation.
- Total revenue lost is the total cost of all reservations on the trip, whether they have rebooked or not as long as rebooking is not for the current calendar year. If rebooked in the current calendar year, revenue/commission not marked as lost.
- Mark commission as lost unless it is protected (WDW, cruise line, etc). Add the commissions from all the reservations within the trip.
Future Travel Credit field:
- This is the total amount transferred, not just the 25% booking bonus amount, so 125% of what the client had already paid on the previous booking. When you transfer this money to a new booking, remove the dollar amount from the future travel credit amount of the old booking. That way, the total number of future credit amount shrinks as you use it on new bookings.
- All the money the supplier is giving you to use for the future trip, for example, use the FTC amount listed in the TI email or if rebooking a cruise, use the FTC amount provided by the cruise line even if the whole amount isn’t used.
- If you’re moving the Allianz insurance from the old booking to the new booking, don’t include that amount in the FTC.
- If the commission has already been paid out, then create a new reservation and only the commission recall as a negative number. Use the existing policy number and add a -C at the end of the confirmation number.
How to record Allianz policy cancellation: